Thursday 3 October 2013

All In-depths of Cellulite


What's of Cellulite

What is Cellulite?

Cellulite (also known as adiposis edematosa, dermopanniculosis deformans, status protrusus cutis, gynoid lipodystrophy, and orange peel syndrome) is the herniation of subcutaneous fat within fibrous connective tissue that manifests topographically as skin dimpling and nodularity, often on the pelvic region (specifically the buttocks), lower limbs, and abdomen. Cellulite occurs in most post-pubescent females and rarely in males.

Simple English Definition ~: Cellulite is a dimpled appearance of the skin, caused by fat cells pushing against the body's connective tissue. The word "cellulite" only refers to how the skin looks, and does not describe a medical condition. 

Cellulite is not related to cellulitis which is a spreading bacterial infection of the skin.

What Causes Cellulite?

The causes of cellulite include changes in metabolism, physiology, dieting too hard or too much, sex-specific dimorphic skin architecture, alteration of connective tissue structure, hormonal factors, genetic factors, the microcirculatory system, the extracellular matrix, and subtle inflammatory alterations.

Hormonal factors 

Hormones play a dominant role in the formation of cellulite. Estrogen may be the important hormone to initiate and aggravate cellulite. However, there has been no reliable clinical evidence to support such a claim. Other hormones, including insulin, the catecholamines adrenaline and noradrenaline, thyroid hormones, and prolactin, are all believed to participate in the development of cellulite.

Genetic factors 

There is a genetic element in individual susceptibility to cellulite. Researchers led by Enzo Emanuele have traced the genetic component of cellulite to particular polymorphisms in the angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) and hypoxia-inducible factor 1A (HIF1a) genes.

Predisposing factors

Several factors have been shown to affect the development of cellulite. Sex, race, biotype, distribution of subcutaneous fat, and predisposition to lymphatic and circulatory insufficiency have all been shown to contribute to cellulite.

A high-stress lifestyle will cause an increase in the level of catecholamines, which have also been associated with the evolution of cellulite. Certain dieting practices can also diminish the level of these chemicals, and decreasing body fat typically results in the reduction in appearance of cellulite.

How-to's of Cellulite

How cellulite can be cured?

Cellulite can only be cured by natural means because they are not harmful and unnatural means will harm your body and leave you with internal injuries and marks.

Cure Cellulite by Exercise. But not just exercise Specific exercise!

Essential Butt Secrets:

1. If you don’t use it you lose it.   

As you get older, if you don’t workout your butt, it will sag. Full stop.  Not only that, you’ll be more prone to cellulite and spongy flabbiness.   No amount of body shaping medical treatments or liposuction can compensate for muscle atrophy.  In fact, it will make sagging and cellulite worse.

2. No matter what your age, shape or size, this workout will improve your butt. Why?

The ‘glutes’ (butt) are one of the largest muscle groups in the body.  By training them correctly, to build muscle fiber density (not necessary volume) you will completely re-shape, lift, firm and tighten your sexy little butt cheeks girls.  In fact, one of my Get Leaners recently posted in our forum,

“the crease under my butt checks are now “smiling” and not a straight line”

This is because her butt has LIFTED!

3. It’s not necessary to use weights or machines to radically transform your butt (or your body)

Old school thinking says you need to train with heavy weights to build muscle, often using machines.  This is a myth.  Unless you are taking illegal or boarder-line supplements designed to artificially build muscle mass – then training “heavy” is unnecessary and even detrimental.  The strain it puts on your joints, ligaments and tendons means you won’t be able to sustain this type of training long term and any gains will be lost.  Not only that, the return on investment of time, energy and effort just isn’t worth it when compared to what you can achieve with alternative methods.  Even if you don’t agree, I challenge you to give my workout a decent go and test it for yourself.

4. For larger muscle groups fusion style bodyweight training is usually more effective.  Why?

Weights and machines limit the natural range of motion possible within any exercise movement, simply because you have to compensate for carrying the extra weight.

When doing a bodyweight move you easily move through the natural full range of biomechanical motion necessary to stimulate the muscles from all angles.  It’s this complete stimulation that re-shapes.  And because the range of motion is greater, you have to work a lot harder to maintain your balance.  This means all your muscles are completely engaged at a higher level of intensity.
And that’s why you’re going to feel the burn like never before during this workout (get ready) and have Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS) for 1-2 days afterwards!
Note: weights do have their place, for variation, targeting the smaller muscles and achieving the finer details of the physique.

5. More is not necessarily better.
You don’t need to workout like a maniac for an hour and half, in fact it’s detrimental.  The right workout done correctly can get results in just 30-45 minutes if done a few times a week done correctly will get astounding results.   I have women frequently telling me that they’ve trained hard all their lives and never seen the results they are getting after 3 weeks on Get Lean.   They are shocked and a little angry that they wasted so many years in the gym, killing themselves and getting nowhere.

6. The correct technique and tempo are CRITICAL.
Now, listen carefully!
If you don’t closely follow my coaching on the correct technique for each of the exercises in this video and the tempo (speed) at which to do them, then don’t waste your time.
Even if you’re a seasoned professional, keep an open mind and do the exercises exactly how I demonstrate them.  You’ll be surprised at the results.
These points are paramount:
  • Observe where you allow the weight of your body to rest.
Which muscles are carrying the majority of your bodyweight makes a huge difference to the difficulty of the exercise and thus, it’s effectiveness.
  • Go slow through the full range of motion.
This prevents gravity from assisting you (cheating) and gets exponential results.  Think about it.  When you go fast, or bounce and use the motion of your body to move – you’re actually cheating yourself by reducing the demand for pure muscle fiber strength.
Use your mind to activate the target muscles.  
This is essential.  Let me give you an example. I get heaps of girls who come to me having run all their lives or who have trained with heavy weights and have big quads,  flat butts and no hamstrings.  They hate their “big legs” but in reality their body just lacks symmetry.  By re-learning how to effectively activate the hamstrings and glutes (instead of favoring the quads) – suddenly their legs and butt start to beautifully re-shape.

OK, so now your homework is done (I hope you took notes) it’s time to get into the fun stuff

Living in Panama, Central America for 8 years, I witnessed the magical power of the Latina butt.  Every shape and size squeezed into every type of jean imaginable.
Jeans designed to enhance, lift and sculpt – to create your sexiest glutes no matter what size or shape.  Sadly, many of these girls when naked suffered from cellulite, flabbiness and sagging.  Amazing what a pair of jeans can do lol!

                                              Cellulite Cure

For those with the money and obsession, butt implants were not uncommon.  And for the hard-core surgery girls – there’s the “Columbian Package” – boobs, one rib removed to reduce the size of the waist and butt implants, all creating an almost cartoon like character.  Sad but true.
Cellulite Cured

Living amongst this craziness made me very aware of my own butt lol!  But I knew there had to be a better, healthier and longer lasting way than a pair of jeans or extreme high-risk surgery.  And there is!
If you fall into any, some or all of these typical categories of butt types (flat butt, cellulite butt, saggy butt, fat butt, spongy butt), then keep reading – because help is on the way.

So, let’s start with the anatomy of a sexy butt.

Quite simply, your butt is made of a ton of muscle with a covering of body fat.
Muscle That Needs To Be Tight for Cellulite removal
The gluteal muscles refer to the 3 individual muscles of the glutes:
      • Gluteus Maximus
      • Gluteus Medius
      • Gluteus Minimus

The gluteus maximus is the largest muscle in the entire body.

You’re here because you know resistance and bodyweight training can sculpt, shape and firm your body through strategic muscle development.  If your biggest muscle is your glutes then a sexy butt is within the grasp of anyone, no matter what your age, current shape or condition.
Yep, read it again. Hello?  Largest muscle?
Just to illustrate my point that muscle is the mother of all sexy butts, check out these gratuitous pics.  Here is a sampling of sexy athlete bums.  These girls don’t workout with the goal of creating a beautiful butt, it’s the by-product of their sport.  It illustrates the power of the gluteal muscles to lift, round and shape.
                                                             ~ The Volleyball Butt ~

~ The Pole Vaulting Butt ~
~ The Gymnast Butt ~
~ The Sprinter’s Butt ~
~ The real deal naturally lifted ”Brazilian Butt”! ~
As you can see, even for elite athletes, sexy butts come in all shapes and sizes.  But the bottom line is (sorry I couldn’t resist that), build butt muscle, burn off excess body fat …and you’ll have a sexy butt.

Before Belinda goes through the anti cellulite exercise demonstration she talks about 4 critical factors:

~ 4 Critical Factors ~
1 – Form
2 – Tempo
3 – Sequence
4 – Synergy


Synergy comes into the equation in 2 ways:

A – Synergy of the Combined Exercises
B – Additional Synergy of Form, Tempo, Sequence

Although the exercises Belinda demonstrates in the video are Anti Cellulite Exercises – they are only the tip of the iceberg. So, you can consider them your Intro to properly targeted cellulite reversal. The Naked Beauty/SYMULAST Method of Cellulite Removal is the complete routine in a 22 minute video, plus 4 Special Bonus videos made just for busy women:

When You Become a Naked Beauty Client, You Also Get These Sweet Bonuses:
1 – Flat-Sexy Stomach
2 – Tightly-Toned Arms
3 – Total-Body Toning: Level One
4 – Total-Body Toning: Level Two

*Each of these routines can be done at home.*

If you’re still skeptical and choose not to join me and all the other Naked Beauty clients today – that’s ok – I’ll understand – and I’ll be sending you something tomorrow which will show you this is for real and VERY far from a scam. It may be the last piece of the puzzle you need to see before you get started on your way to the great body you deserve, and all the good things that go along with that :-)
If  you’re new here- and you haven’t seen this yet – then just click PLAY:
free cellulite removal video

If  you’re already a Naked Beauty/SYMULAST Client then there is no need for you to read any further. Just keep with the schedule and keep sending me your success stories. I will only share them publicly if you give me permission when you email me. I will gladly keep it private if that is what you wish. Either way I always love hearing from you about your physical improvements and overall success.
If you’re not a Naked Beauty/SYMULAST Client – instead of waiting any longer, then here is the direct ‘Add to Cart’ link which still includes the 50% discount  

Naked Beauty/SYMULAST Home Anti-Cellulite Program FAQ’s

1 – You can order and access your program from any country – as it is presented to you via private online access. As a client – you’ll have access for life from anywhere in the world.

2 – Nothing gets shipped as your program is hosted on a secure and private area of this website. You’ll get a login link and a private password.

3 – This is a one-time payment. That’s it.

4 – Once you become a private client you have the option to get the DVD and book combo upgrade at a very deep discount. If And we can ship those almost anywhere in the world.

5 – I understand why most women do not want to publicly share their “Before and After” cellulite story and photos. No problem – however, if you wish to do so, I would be extremely excited and would welcome the opportunity to share your success story so we can help other women experience the same success by showing the “the proof”. Welcomed but not mandatory.

6 – If you’d rather watch the video presentation again – before you decide to become a client – then you can watch that here: Cellulite Reduction Video

cellulite reduction video
7 – Or you can place your secure order and get started with your cellulite reduction today – at the bottom of this page with a sweet 50% Off :-)

The Anti-Cellulite Diet: Is There Such a Thing?

In all of my work with helping women “beautify” their lower-bodies – there are a handful of burning questions which are asked of me on a regular and consistent basis.

Today, we address one of these often-asked-questions. That question is:

“Joey, Is there such thing as an anti-cellulite “diet”?

In short, the most direct answer is: “yes”…

But – the reasons I will share are different than what most other sources are trying to get you to believe…

There is a myth causing some women to believe certain foods and nutrients will “flush out the toxins which are causing your cellulite”…

THAT’S TOTALLY FALSE – because there are no toxins in or under your skin. If there were toxins building up and getting trapped under your skin, you’d be dead. Plain and simple.

Our bodies are designed to remove toxins very efficiently. This physiological process happens 24/7 – non-stop, all the time.

So, the unproven idea of “toxins” being the cause of your cellulite means your cellulite can’t be reversed by “flushing” them out with certain foods – because they are not there in the first place.

But, not to worry – because here is what the proper eating plan can do to reverse, or prevent, the root cause of cellulite in your legs, buns, hips and thighs. A true anti-cellulite diet provides optimal nutrients in amounts which positively impact female hormone regulation and balance.

Hormone Optimization

When the hormones are optimized – all the processes of the body are also optimized. Both structure and function are given all the right elements to thrive.

But equally important is the removal of certain ingredients and chemicals which have a negative impact on hormone regulation and balance.

Artificial sweeteners, conditioners, stabilizers, additives and artificial preservatives – are used so freely and frequently in mass market food and beverage production – it’s almost impossible to avoid them, if you are not paying attention. So it’s up to you to know what to look out for – and then build your anti-cellulite eating plan around those rules.

You have (A) items to include and (B) items to avoid. That’s it… Just 2 primary rules to follow.

Here are some specifics on the “avoid” list:

- acesulfame potassium, an artificial sweetener (there are 4 others)
- potassium bromate, a preservative banned in most countries
- Red-3, an artificial additive shown to cause thyroid tumors in rats; and possibly in humans

Here are some specifics on the “include” list:

- complete proteins, or protein combos (salmon, mussels, pecans, almonds, eggs)
- high nutrient carbohydrates (sweet potatoes, carrots, chick peas, lentils)
- essential fatty acids/EFA’s/Omega-3’s (these are in some of the foods above)

How does this approach improve your trouble spots and problem areas?
When you expose the muscles of your leg, butt, hip and thigh areas with proper stimulation (synergistic muscle layer stimulation/SYMULAST)- you want to feed your body the proper nutrients so:
1 – the muscles can get firmer and more “toned” (reversing the ill effects of muscular atrophy)

2 – you create a favorable internal environment for proper female hormone balance and function

3 – you provide your cells and cell membranes with all the elements they need to maintain their structural integrity – and this has a direct effect on your outward appearance

You put all those together and you can understand why and how some women are without cellulite – and more importantly; how others HAVE been able to get rid of it.

This is important: While following a properly structured anti-cellulite diet is very healthy for you in many ways (beyond just the cellulite issue) – YOU WILL NOT see the true benefits unless it is combined with the proper exercises which target your trouble spots and problem areas of your lower body.

This is the main reason why The Naked Beauty “Diet/Anti-Cellulite Eating Plan is only available to women who start off with The Naked Beauty/SYMULAST Exercise Method.

So, if you’re interested, — just go here: Truth About Cellulite Video

Watch the video and if you decide to join us in the Private Client Access Area – you’ll be presented with the option to add The Naked Beauty “Diet” to your program during the checkout process – ***right after your order is placed for The Naked Beauty/SYMULAST Exercise Method***

OR – you can go place your secure order at the bottom of this page to get Instant Online Access to your program: The Truth About Cellulite Removal

Muscle Layers to Stimulate On Back of Legs, Butt and Thighs
for Cellulite Reduction

One of the most often asked questions I get from women who’ve watched the main Truth About Cellulite Video Presentation is this…
“Joey, in the video you show a great diagram of all the muscles of the front of my legs and thighs. Can you help me better understand the backside (legs, butt, thighs, etc…) muscle layer structure and cellulite reduction with your method?”

That is a great question – so I’ve put together a great answer :-)
First, I’ve created a list of the muscles on the back side – so here they are; starting from the top (hip area) and working our way down toward the ankles:
Gluteus maximus
Gluteus medius
Gluteus minimus
Tensor fascia latae
Biceps Femoris
Tibialis Posterior

That’s 14 right there - and I didn’t even list the ones which are at a deeper level. Nor have I listed the smaller muscles which play a critical role in your biomechanics and are the muscle layers which can be stimulated for toning, lifting and smoothing the skin layers which cover all those muscles.
But I want to go even deeper with you here. So, I have several anatomical diagrams showing the muscle layers in the back of your legs, butt, hips and thighs…
Here is the first one. It shows the larger, superficial muscles:
Muscles to Stimulate for Cellulite Reduction
Muscles to Stimulate for Cellulite Reduction

Again — this all ties back into structural cellulite reduction – by changing the muscle layers from an atrophied/mushy (deflated) state – to an enhanced, toned and nicely shaped level of form and function.

This second photo shows some of the deeper and smaller muscle fiber layers:
Deeper Smaller Muscles to Stimulate for Cellulite Reduction
Deeper Smaller Muscles to Stimulate for Cellulite Reduction

That is the essence of The SYMULAST Method… Synergistic Muscle Layer Stimulation
Now that you see where the reversal of the cause of cellulite takes place – you understand why it’s now possible for you to get rid of the cellulite issues on your trouble spots and problem areas. So, watching the TAC Video Presentation will make a lot more sense to you now.
How to Get Rid of Cellulite is To Be Beware from these~:

Rating the VelaShape Cellulite Treatment Promise

How good are the Velashape promises?

VelaShape is the “new” name for the “old” VelaSmooth machine. They took the old machine, modernized it a bit and gave it a modern name. It’s hook is that the FDA has given the company who makes the machine and all the ‘medi-spas’ permission to market the treatments as a possible way to temporarily reduce the appearance of cellulite.

Sounds hopeful but let’s look a little closer.

Is a temporary solution for the reduction of cellulite good enough for you? Or, would you rather go for something more permanent? Is it possible that with a better understanding of what cellulite is, you can get smooth skin permanently?
VelaShape: Hope or Hoax?

Let’s dig deeper to find out the answer.
Velashape is one of the newest massager laser treatments to try and conquer the brutal battle with cellulite. But can this machine that has been called both a Star Wars-like R2D2 robot and a Hoover vacuum cleaner with heat do the trick?
It’s hopeful – the idea of ridding yourself of cellulite with an elaborate massage device.
It’s popular, embraced by some of Hollywood’s elite. But is the science behind the theory of Velashape’s promise to temporarily reduce the appearance of cellulite good enough to jump on the bandwagon?
First of all, consider the mixed reviews by patients of the Velashape system. To get the best results, the company suggests that patients sign up for several treatments ranging from 12-14 at a cost that usually exceeds $1000. Then, it is advised that the patient continue on a long term maintenance program, after the initial series of treatments.
Temporary Changes – “At Best”
The first question that usually goes through the mind of someone considering Velashape is whether or not it will work. And, unfortunately, they cannot be given a definitive answer. However, they can be told with much certainty that any results seen in the reduction of the appearance of cellulite will be temporary.
That is what the FDA has approved for marketing the treatments. Temporary results.
With the reality that the results may or may not happen; and the promise that any changes in the texture or appearance of cellulite will be temporary, the person considering Velashape will then decide whether or not the cost warrants the procedure.
Next, a potential patient of Velashape will consider whether or not there is another option. Perhaps one that won’t take such a bite out of their wallet or one that will give results that are more permanent in nature. After all, if you are going to spend time and effort to get rid of cellulite, doesn’t it make sense to find something that will work?
The next logical step is for the potential patient to seek out and discover what cellulite actually is. Once that’s understood then it is much easier to determine what type of treatment or approach will give you the best chance of eliminating your cellulite.
A Theory of Manipulation?
Velashape presents an unproven theory that cellulite is fat that must be massaged and manipulated. When that’s done they say that blood flow increases, the lymph nodes are activated, connective tissue is broken down, and cellulite is erased. That’s the idea, anyhow, behind Velashape and its dual massagers and suction mechanism.
However, that’s not exactly accurate.
Cellulite does involve fat and it does involve muscle. But it has nothing to do with blood flow, drainage, toxins or breaking down the connective tissue. When your body is healthy and cellulite-free it is because the underlying muscle layers are firm enough to provide a sturdy foundation for your skin and that underlying, protective layer of fat that sits right below it.
And, most people know that in order to get firmly lifted muscles, they need to be stimulated properly. Not just the big ones, but also the smaller ones which are usually neglected by most generic exercises and fitness routines.
9 Benefits of Being a Firm Female
So, when considering the most effective way to get rid of cellulite – you can rate the promises of Velashape; which at best, give temporary results with a steep price tag. Or you can consider a system of specifically targeted exercises for cellulite reversal, that will offer the promise of more permanent results, in addition to a sweet list of other body and life-enhancing benefits. Such as:

8 More Benefits of Being a Firm Female:
1 – Better sex and intimacy
2 – Increased levels of energy
3 – Enhanced hormone regulation
4 – Elevated moods of happiness and positivity
5 – Higher levels of productivity in work and at home
6 – Favorable treatment from your family, friends & others
7 – Optimized quality of life & slower aging than most others
8 – Boosted self-image, self-esteem and stronger self-confidence
The Choice is Yours

So you get to choose between wasting some serious cash, with no promise of results or taking a little time, several days per week to stimulate the deeper levels of your blessed body to see the beautiful results on the outside – results which last a lifetime.

Smart women make the smart choice. And so do you…

Or Here:
velashape article

VelaShape Reviews and Complaints

VelaShape reviews, complaints and adverse reports are too many to list here. But I’ve gathered just a few to share with you…

It’s important to note: This type of “hidden” information is not so easy to find – but may save you a lot of money, prevent physical pain and spare you unnecessary emotional distress.

Why Do I Do This For You?

Well.. 3 words: Because I care!
(and yes ‘I love you’ also in a brotherly/sisterly kind of way :-)

I really don’t need to write much as everything you need to know right now is below. So, here you go…
velashape review velashape complaint
Velashape Complaint
velashape review velashape complaint
Velashape Complaint - B
velashape burns velashape bruising
Velashape Burns - Day 3

What About All the Other “Supposed” Cellulite Treatments Besides VelaShape?

Well, I can only cover one at a time. So stay tuned for more of these features on various reviews, lawsuits, complaints and adverse effect reports on all the ineffective products and services marketed as a treatment for cellulite.

Mark Your Calendar, Baby…

I’ve been asked to do an interview with a highly respected fitness model and transformation coach from Australia, on the topic of cellulite reduction through specifically targeted exercises – and we will be sharing that interview with you in the next week or two. What we cover in that interview will give you powerful insights into how your body is structured, how it works and what you can do to start seeing and feeling definite improvements in your worst trouble spots and problem areas….

If you’re ready to get rid of your cellulite, starting right now – instead of waiting any longer, then here is the direct ‘Add to Cart’ link which still includes the 50% discount

Recent Naked Beauty/SYMULAST FAQ’s

1 – You can order and access your program from any country – as it is presented to you via private online access. As a client – you’ll have access for life.

2 – Nothing gets shipped as your program is hosted on a secure and private area of this website. You’ll get a login link and a private password.

3 – This is a one-time payment. That’s it.

4 – You’ll have the option to get the DVD and book combo upgrade in a few weeks as we have many happy clients requesting those. All clients get the DVD and book version at a very deep discount, only if you want it.

5 – I understand why most women do not want to publicly share their “Before and After” cellulite story and photos. No problem – however, if you wish to do so, I would be extremely excited and would welcome the opportunity to share your success story so we can help other women experience the same success by showing the “the proof”. Welcomed but not mandatory.

6 – If you’d rather watch the video presentation again – before you decide to become a client – then you can watch that here: Cellulite Reduction Video

Jennifer R cellulite reduction email
Recent Cellulite Reduction Success Email

Stay tuned for more – or better yet, come join me and the rest of the ladies who are following my program…
We’d love to have you and see you reach your “best body” goals.

Is Mesotherapy a Magic Potion to Dissolve Cellulite?

In your quest to get rid of cellulite you will certainly come across Mesotherapy as you review various treatment options and products. Claiming to have the ability to dissolve fat, and having a convincing endorsement by a person who claims to have written the book on cellulite, may get you excited enough to give it a try.

STOP. Think Again. Read this first.

Mesotherapy is different from the most modern and non-invasive cellulite treatments since it relies on injections. It’s a combination of medicines, many homeopathic, stuck into various areas affected by cellulite. Mesotherapy treatments are not FDA approved for safety or for effectiveness.
mesotherapy injection thigh cellulite
Risky Mesotherapy Injection

So should you consider a Mesotherapy potion to solve the cellulite riddle?
With so many claims by so many treatments that address a beauty problem which affects so many women, and some men, it may be a good idea to eliminate the ones that have the potential for the most risk and least reward when experimenting with your body.

Here is some critical information to consider in regards to Mesotherapy:

One of the supporters of Mesotherapy, who claims to have written the book about cellulite and its underlying treatments, has a link on his website for this “must read” book that leads to a website that is offered for sale. (yes, very suspicious)
This same doctor explains the four stages of cellulite ranging from Stage 0 to Stage 3; 0 being not visible to 3 being visible when standing up or lying down. He reports on being most successful with those in Stage 3, the worst stage, and as you can imagine the most desperate for a solution.
This doctor describes the emotional toll that cellulite can have on a women which includes lower self-esteem, fear of ridicule and embarrassment, effects on romantic relationships and libido, avoiding certain activities, having less fun, and stress from trying to cover up cellulite.
A Consumer Report claims that the most fraud is found for products related to cellulite and baldness since they prey on the emotions of the victims.
Mesotherapy claims it can eliminate cellulite on legs, thighs and buttocks in just 10-25 sessions. Since the product and treatment is not FDA approved, ads and companies cannot be penalized by this government regulating organization for making such a claim. Although, it’s seems odd that if the product were safe and effective, that FDA approval would be aggressively sought. Makes you wonder, right?
The Mesotherapy potion mix varies from patient to patient. This makes it hard to replicate or to even study in terms of treatment protocol or level of effectiveness and safety when treating cellulite.
mesotherapy injection
Mesotherapy Injection Mix

FDA Issues Public Warning
Finally, a warning was issued by the FDA in July of 2010 cautioning the public about claims made by any injectable drug to eliminate fat, naming Mesotherapy as one of those treatments. In went on to say that it had received several reports of serious side effects including permanent scarring, skin deformation, and deep painful knots under the skin at the injection site.
Here is the Official FDA post:
FDA Warning Source:

And – Here’s the exact report in a 2-page PDF, Free for you to download and print:
Lipodissolve Mesotherapy FDA Warning
Lipodissolve Mesotherapy FDA Warning: click to open


Top 3 Serious Side Effects of Mesotherapy
1 – permanent scarring
2 – skin deformation
3 – deep painful knots under the skin at the injection site

Yes, cellulite is a troublesome problem. And yes, there is a real solution for improving your skin and addressing the true cause of cellulite. However, Mesotherapy may not be the easy answer you are seeking. It’s a potion, a modern day snake oil. And remember what happened when those fairytale princesses of childhood drank a potion? NOT GOOD.
There’s got to be a better way, right?
Of course there is…
But you have to understand what cellulite actually is, and how your body works. Then you can use the right approach to get rid of cellulite. You don’t have to live with bumpy, uneven skin, and you don’t have to spend a fortune on shallow promises, gimmicks and dangerous scams that don’t work and may actually hurt you.
I Need YOU
I need you to help me keep proving to the world – especially the women who are seeking the cellulite answer that the right types of exercises can stimulate the trouble zone muscles, get lifted and firm – Hence reversing the cause of the cellulite bumps and dimples….
So, if you haven’t started the Naked Beauty/SYMULAST routine – today would be the perfect day. So, click on my washboard abs below and my video should make a whole lot more sense to you now that you are understanding more about your personal cellulite issues. After the video you can get started:
Cellulite Reduction Video
Click My Abs to See The Video Again

Already on the SYMULAST Program?

If you’re already on the program then there is no need to watch the video again, BUT – you should share this page with any of your friends who might be considering Mesotherapy or Lipodissolve.

Endermologie: Can It Massage Away Cellulite?

On the surface, it seems innocent enough. Use Endermologie to massage your muscles, improve circulation, and benefit your lymphs. And as a result, (supposedly) you will lose cellulite. But wait!

Does the punishment fit the crime?

Does the treatment really address the underlying causes of cellulite? The answer may surprise you…

Deep tissue massages have a lot of beneficial effects. For an athlete it’s a way to manipulate the muscles to help with recovery or healing. For someone who is chronically tense and experiences tightness in the neck, back and shoulder, a deep tissue massage may help loosen things up.

The Burning Question

But the burning question is: Can the deep tissue massage replicated with Endermologie be effective when you want to get rid of cellulite?

This FDA approved machine, along with the fact that it’s fully embraced by the beauty industry, can lead you to accept the hard-to-believe claims for cellulite reduction. So, let’s find out more.

Endermologie for Cellulite Treatment Is FDA Approved? Hmmm… Really?

First of all, it’s important to understand what exactly the FDA approved in regards to Endermologie. In their enthusiasm for a cure for cellulite, some companies may misunderstand what was authorized by the FDA and fail to include the word “temporary” in their claims related to cellulite reduction.
Endermologie device
endermologie device
The device currently used with Endermologie has been improved since its initial filing in the types of heads available, the name of the device, and the addition to the claims for cellulite.

In their approvals the FDA stated Endermologie could be marketed for therapeutic and cosmetic uses as follows:

- Reduction of Secondary Lymphederma of the Arm (SLA) Post Mastectomy
- Improvement of Secondary Lymphedema
- Improvement of lymphatic circulation in the treated area
- Relieves minor muscles aches and pains
- Relieves muscle spasm
- Temporarily improves local blood circulation
- Relieves minor muscle aches and pains, relieves pains, relieves muscle spasm and improves local circulation during burn rehabilitation
- Temporarily reduces the appearance of cellulite

What started as a treatment for recovering burn victims, blossomed into a love child of the lucrative cosmetic industry. Like other inventions, a “side effect” was noticed in regards to the look of a person’s skin undergoing treatment.

Temporary Results – Maybe.

It’s very clear from the language in the FDA approval that any improvement for the treatment of cellulite must be listed as “temporary reduces the appearance of cellulite”. As much as we would like to believe, there are no facts to back up any claim of a permanent cure for cellulite by using the deep tissue massage of Endermologie.

Even sneakier is how some of the ads for Endermologie use camera tricks to fool women into thinking it works. Take a look at the photo below. There is one key difference between the two photos. The angle of the lights.
lighting trick for endermologie advertisement
Lighting Trick for Endermologie Advertisement
1 Sneaky Trick Used in Endermologie Advertisements

See, on the left, the light is shining from above and this creates a shadowing effect on the skin, where any bumps, dimples or dents become easily visible. You can tell where the light is coming from by the larger shadows just below the butt.

In the supposed “after” photo on the right – the light is being shined on the body area from DIRECTLY BEHIND the woman. Since the light is being shined directly at the body there is no shadowing effect and hence hardly any appearance of the bumps and dimples known as cellulite.

Sad, But True… So Why Doesn’t It Work?

So let’s talk about what a deep tissue massage does, the basis of Endermologie, so that you can understand why it’s not effective as a permanent solution to cellulite.

When a muscle is tense, or has been injured, adhesions form in the muscles, tendons, and ligaments. These adhesions are hardened tissue that can block circulation, cause pain, restrict movement and cause inflammation. The deep tissue massage breaks down that tissue and loosens things up.

However, the cause of cellulite is not adhesions, or blocked circulation, or inflammation as some believe. Cellulite is the result of un-toned muscles which are not firm or strong enough to properly support the skin and subcutaneous fat layers which lie directly on top of them.

With Firm Support Behind the Skin Your Problem Is Solved

To get rid of cellulite, those muscles and connective tissue do NOT need to be broken down through a procedure such as Endermologie. Instead, those specific muscles need to be toned and strengthened so they can fully support your skin and fat layers.

When the skin and fat layers have firmly toned muscles pushing gently outward against them – the skin gets much smoother and tighter. And you end up with the results you’ve been searching for; which is permanent cellulite removal for skin you feel super-happy about and extremely confident in.

What Type of Specific Exercise Does Get Rid of Cellulite?

“Exercise” in general does not reverse the cause of cellulite. While most traditional fitness routines are great for overall conditioning and health purposes – the specific approach for getting rid of lower body cellulite involves a very specific and targeted method of anti cellulite exercise.

The beauty of this approach is the routine can be done in about 22 minutes in the privacy of your own home with a floor mat and a pantry step, a basic step box or a staircase.

Stimulate Them With Form, Tempo, Sequence

Remember, there are 90 muscles in your lower-body. When they are all stimulated properly, they get toned and firm – and because of that they push outward against the skin in your trouble zones and problem spots – giving you the skin smoothing effect by enhancing your body’s structural physiology.

No lies, no tricks, no smoke and mirrors, no play on words. Just the truth you need in order to get what you deserve.

If you’re ready to get rid of your cellulite, starting right now – instead of waiting any longer, then here is the direct ‘Add to Cart’ link which still includes the 50% discount

Recent Naked Beauty/SYMULAST FAQ’s

1 – You can order and access your program from any country – as it is presented to you via private online access. As a client – you’ll have access for life.

2 – Nothing gets shipped as your program is hosted on a secure and private area of this website. You’ll get a login link and a private password.

3 – This is a one-time payment. That’s it.

4 – You’ll have the option to get the DVD and book combo upgrade in a few weeks as we have many happy clients requesting those. All clients get the DVD and book version at a very deep discount, only if you want it.

5 – I understand why most women do not want to publicly share their “Before and After” cellulite story and photos. No problem – however, if you wish to do so, I would be extremely excited and would welcome the opportunity to share your success story so we can help other women experience the same success by showing the “the proof”. Welcomed but not mandatory.

6 – If you’d rather watch the video presentation again – before you decide to become a client – then you can watch that here: Cellulite Reduction Video

Liposuction Makes Cellulite Worse And Even Causes It In Some

First things first – there is no doubt we’ve all seen the beautiful results of some high quality liposuction surgeries. On the right patients this cosmetic surgery is a great option. HOWEVER – there is much confusion over what it is good for and what it is not good for.

Sucking Needed Fat Out From Body Makes Skin Droopy and Bumpy

We will keep this focused on cellulite since that is the reason you are here to begin with.

If you remember the interview with Belinda Benn – I shared the simple and exact reason why liposuction makes cellulite worse in some women. When you suck out fat from behind the skin to reduce the size of the body area – you actually remove some of the support structure which is holding the skin up.

If that skin doesn’t tighten up after the liposuction – Guess what?

It sags and gets un-even – showing the bumps and dimples we all call cellulite. As a matter of fact some women end up getting cellulite bumps after having liposuction. In other words it causes it altogether!!

At this point I think it’s more fitting that you hear from some women who’ve experienced this situation personally. This is an email sent directly to me by a new Naked Beauty client. Please don’t email us to ask for her “after” pictures as she has already stated she will not want them shared publicly.

~ On October 3, 5:01:06 PM PDT, Lorraine S wrote: ~

Hi Joey, my name is Lorraine but everyone knows me as L_________, I’m from the UK. I have the most horrendous Cellulite, for many many years. I have subscribed to your Naked Beauty program online. I’m hoping this is the answer to all my prayers. I just saw on FB a link you posted regarding Belinda Benn & the comments she has on her wall about Liposuction.

Well I can 100% vouch for the fact that it made my cellulite a 100 times worse.

6 years ago I appeared on the English TV version of Extreme Makeover & reducing my Thighs was top of my list & although after Lipo my thighs are a lot slimmer the fact that my cellulite looks like an old ladies has totally destroyed my confidence. I just never thought there would be a cure for this dreaded & ugly curse that I have been dealt with.

I will give this my all & hope that I see some amazing results. I have just turned 50 & even though everybody says I look 10yrs younger makes no difference & I feel embarrassed & ashamed, maybe that’s why I’m still single.

I have taken before photo’s, I will work hard & hope that it pays off.
Wish me luck ! — Lorraine
Truth is – there are hundreds and hundreds of stories just like Lorraine’s – where liposuction makes cellulite worse. You can search the internet and find loads of them. For example here is just one I pulled at random to share with you.

What’s worse is what she does afterward… See for yourself…
cellulite worse after liposuction
Cellulite Worse After Liposuction
When we read the unfortunate story above there are several other important bad experiences this woman shares, and one or two which she is blindly setting herself up for.

Let’s take a quick look at those other worthless cellulite treatments::

Endermologie – If you read my recent article, you’d know exactly why she saw ZERO improvements after a series of treatments.

Super Detox – A high quality, properly structured detox is great for some things. BUT – it is not a cure for cellulite. Simply impossible. (Another $1,800.00 down the drain…)

Thermage – She is going for a consult soon. They say…“It will dramatically reduce stretch marks & tighten the area.” (HAHAHAAAAAAaaaaa – Really????)

Mesotherapy – If you were privy enough to read my recent article on this, you already know what her outcome is going to be.

VelaShape – She didn’t list this one, but if she hasn’t tried it, you can bet after all the above fails, she will be looking into it.

Unless, however, somehow – someway, she finds my website and realizes there is only one true and proven way to change the cause of cellulite and get rid of it for good.
For a mere $50 she can have her cellulite solution right in her hands. But after thousands and thousands of dollars, not only does she still have cellulite. But now it’s WORSE.
What about you? Is your cellulite gone yet? Or are you still looking for your solution? It’s ok, because Charmaine looked for a solution for 20 years (since puberty) until she found her solution. Read her email:

Your Name: Charmaine T.

Message: Dear Joey,

I’m writing to tell you that your Naked Beauty program is simply AMAZING. I’ve had cellulite for more than 20 years, ever since I hit puberty, and it has been a scourge for as long as I can remember, I was embarrassed to wear short skirts or even to go to the beach.

I tried all sorts of remedies, a few of which gave partial results, but these results were too limited and too temporary to make a significant difference. Then, just when I’d given up and started to believe that there’s nothing anyone can do to get rid of cellulite, I came across your program.

I am now on day 23 and I have to say that my cellulite is nearly all gone!

It’s unbelievable! I thought 24 days might not be enough to get the results I wanted and in fact I intend to repeat the program for another 24 days, but I admit I never expected such incredible and immediate results.

Thank you so much Joey for making such a difference in my life.

I will certainly recommend your program whole-heartedly to all my friends.
~~ Charmaine T.

If you’re still looking, why don’t you give Naked Beauty a try like Charmaine did?
You have nothing to lose (except your cellulite) – because if after 7 weeks of you doing it – you’re not totally blown away by the changes you’re seeing – then I want to give you your money back. You simply email us and let us know you gave the program a solid run with no results to show – and Dena will gladly issue a refund.
And besides the 50% off price is going back up to the full price of $99.00 in the next day or two. So I would make your move right now if you are serious about your goal and all the good things that come with it.
You still have a lot of life ahead of you. Don’t you want to look and feel at your best?
I know you do… So, choose your option to start getting rid of your cellulite TODAY:
1 – Get Started Now By Clicking This Order Form Link (includes 50% Special Discount)
2 – You can read the really long page again here – OR – you can also read some of the FAQ’s here
3 – You can watch the video presentation here, again, and you can place your order at the end of the video.
4 – OR… if you like clicking on a photo to get to the video presentation, then here – you can click on this one :-)
Liposuction Makes Cellulite Worse
Liposuction Makes Cellulite Worse: CLICK HERE for REAL SOLUTION

I’m ready to help you get rid of your 

The only question is… “Are you ready to 

be helped?”

A List of Top Selling Cellulite Creams and Lotions

*WARNING:* This blog is by no means an endorsement of any specific cellulite cream or anti-cellulite lotion listed below. Nor is it an indication or hint that any cellulite cream or lotion will actually get rid of your cellulite. Because they can’t and won’t.

I have a really good feeling you are going to deeply appreciate today’s article – so let’s get right into it…
Bizarre Ingredients and Twisted Claims
If you were to analyze all these cellulite products individually – you would find a bizarre array of ingredients ranging from horse-chestnut to dimethylaminoethanol.
You would also see an assortment of claims ranging from “removes waste and toxins in the skin” to “speeds lipolysis of fats stores and tones skin as result”.
So here they are – in no specific order:

The Top Selling Cellulite Creams and Anti-Cellulite Lotions

1 – Revitol Cellulite Cream
2 – Bliss Fat Girl Sleep
3 – Clarins High Definition Body Lift
4 – Bliss Fat Girl Slim
5 – L’Occitane Almond Delightful Shape
6 – Cellex-C Body Smoothing Lotion
7 – Estée Lauder’s Body Performance Slim Shape + Anti-Cellulite/Anti-Fluid
8 – Nivea Good-bye Cellulite 30-Day Body Beauty Program
9 – Murad Firm and Tone Serum
10 – Tarte celluFIGHT
11 РAnushka Skinny Caff̩ Latte Body Cr̩me
12 – Elizabeth Arden All Over Cellulite Skin Treatment
13 – Sisley Phyto Sculptural
14 – Decleor Aromessence Slendisium & Lift Cellulium Anti-Cellulite Slimming Gel
15 – Yves Saint Laurent Ligne Pure
16 – Procellix Cellulite Cream
17 – Trilastin System 2 for Cellulite
18 – BioLabs Anti-Cellulite Formula
19 – Dermitage Anti-Cellulite System
20 – Cellulean
21 – Adonia Leg Tone
22 – Dermology Cellulite Solution

Why So Many Cellulite Creams and Anti-Cellulite Lotions?

Yes – that’s a long list and there are also many, many more I didn’t list. …….BUT – Why are there so many?

Here’s the reason: Since none of them work – women keep trying the next one, and the next one, and the next one… All out of desperation – thinking “one of them has to work for me…”

Here is a quote pulled from an ABC News feature on cellulite treatments:

Top Professor/Doctor of Plastic Surgery Speaks The Truth

“Women who believe that they can eliminate cellulite through creams are likely to be disappointed. So-called cellulite is the natural anatomic characteristic of many women’s thighs and buttocks,” (especially women who have let their muscle structure become atrophied and saggy) Brody said.

“It is unrelated to weight gain or body-fat loss, or the skin. There is absolutely no surgical or medical solution to women’s dislike of this bumpy and dimpled appearance except for the psychological self-deception of wanting to believe the ads and deceiving claims.” said Dr. Garry S. Brody, a professor of plastic surgery at the University of Southern California.

Studies “Quietly” Involve Exercise/Fitness During Cellulite Cream Tests
Now, here is the sneakiest move of them all (besides the fake before and after photos) – some companies will sponsor studies where the users of the product are also “prescribed a healthy eating plan and an exercise routine to follow during the study period” … and when these women see any kind of improvements at the end of the study, the company claims the changes came from the product.
Yes – Crazy, but true.
What this all points to is certain exercises can work to get rid of the appearance of cellulite (the bumps and dimples of the skin). But – what most women, even medical and fitness professionals, don’t know is this…
There are exercises and movements which are specifically targeted at reversing the muscular atrophy, saggy-ness and mushiness in the lower-body trouble spots and problem areas of the female body.
The Better Targeted the Exercise–The Better the Cellulite Reduction Results
When those exercises cause the muscles under the dimpled and bumpy skin to get lifted, sculpted, firmly toned, strengthened and healthy – they push outward against the loose and bumpy skin – making smooth, tight and sexy.
This CANNOT be achieved with any cellulite cream or anti-cellulite lotion.
It’s scientifically and physiologically impossible.
So if you have finally come to a point of realization that the only thing which will work for you are the right muscle stimulating movements – then now is the time for you to start.
If you’re not a Naked Beauty/SYMULAST Client – instead of waiting any longer, then here is the direct ‘Add to Cart’ link which still includes the 50% discount

Naked Beauty/SYMULAST Home Anti-Cellulite Program FAQ’s

1 – You can order and access your program from any country – as it is presented to you via private online access. As a client – you’ll have access for life from anywhere in the world.

2 – Nothing gets shipped as your program is hosted on a secure and private area of this website. You’ll get a login link and a private password.

3 – This is a one-time payment. That’s it.

4 – You’ll have the option to get the DVD and book combo upgrade in a few weeks as we have many happy clients requesting those. All clients get the DVD and book version at a very deep discount, only if you want it. If you choose to also order the DVD/Book upgrade we can ship that anywhere in the world.

5 – I understand why most women do not want to publicly share their “Before and After” cellulite story and photos. No problem – however, if you wish to do so, I would be extremely excited and would welcome the opportunity to share your success story so we can help other women experience the same success by showing the “the proof”. Welcomed but not mandatory.

6 – If you’d rather watch the video presentation again – before you decide to become a client – then you can watch that here: Cellulite Reduction Video

Cellulite Removal Video
7 – Or you can place your secure order and get started with your cellulite reduction today – at the bottom of this page with a sweet 50% Off :-)

The Confession of a Beauty Spa Technician

About 3 years ago I opened an email from one of the bravest women I’ve ever heard from. Back then she asked to keep her identity anonymous, but I could use the information she shared with me to help women understand the deceptive and costly issue.

We will call her “Jane”.

Jane was a beauty spa technician in a spa which sold multiple cellulite treatment services. Ironically, Jane was challenged by cellulite herself – which is how she found me to begin with.

She wrote; “NONE of The Cellulite Treatments Ever Work…”

She confessed, none of the cellulite treatments offered at the spa worked. NONE. She said she has never seen a woman get rid of her cellulite in all the years she worked there. So she knew firsthand that nothing passive worked. She said they had a full menu of services too: body wraps, anti-cellulite massage, lipo-laser, contouring skin brushing, etc…

Jane went on to explain women were usually led to believe they were personally doing something wrong or there was something wrong with their bodies which was negating any effects of cellulite reduction. At that point they were either sold more of the same treatment to lengthen the series – or they were sold on another treatment option “which may be what your body responds to…”

She said what really opened her eyes and made her understand all this was when she went to a beauty spa trade show. This is where all the product and treatment manufacturers and suppliers gather to display all their latest creations and “beauty solutions”. Spa and salon owners and technicians come to see what they can add to their business.

Selling False Hope Through Women’s Desperation and Insecurities

These trade-shows are all about one thing: MONEY… YOUR MONEY…

All product and treatment presentations are centered on how much money it will add to the beauty spa owners business and profits. It has almost nothing to do with whether or not what they are selling actually works to give you the results you are paying for.
Vacuum massage cellulite treatment
Phony Vacuum Massage Cellulite Treatment

The technicians were trained to try and make the customers believe they were seeing improvements through various little techniques and ploys. They knew lots of money could be made by selling hope and preying on women’s insecurities and desire to be attractive.
Trained to Play Mind Games With Women
Again, Jane had cellulite herself and knew none of that stuff worked. That is why she was doing her own search for a way to get rid of her cellulite. She knew her answer was not in the beauty spa.
When she found my site, she had never heard of me – so of course she was a bit skeptical.
But, she signed up for my article series and as I educated her on all the reasons why nothing passive can ever work – no matter how expensive or unique it is – she started to realize not only do I know what I’m talking about – But I may actually have the answer to her cellulite problem in the form of my Naked Beauty program.
She was right. That’s when she sent me the email I mention above along with a ‘thank you’ note for helping her reverse the cause of her cellulite – so she could feel good about wearing shorts, a bikini or even being naked with the lights on.
How Do They Get Away With This??!!
Why are beauty spas allowed to sell services which do not work?
Simple… All they have to do is be very careful with the wording they use in their advertisements (mail flyers, newspapers, magazine, radio, internet/website, etc..). And since they are selling “beauty services” – they are not regulated by the FDA, so they can get away with a lot of shady angles on the “cellulite treatment services” they push.
They have a bit more wiggle-room when they are speaking with you in person and tend to use language which can be considered fraud – but since it is not printed, written or recorded – It’s impossible for any woman to prove the spa representative made false claims in order to get the sale. Sad – but true…
Money Wasting Anti-Cellulite Body Wrap
Money Wasting Anti-Cellulite Body Wrap

Stay tuned for the next article – It should be ready for you in the next day or two. The title is:

Body Wraps and Body Wrapping Treatments:

I’ve been getting a lot of email questions about “Body Wraps” and “Body Wrapping Treatments” – and since there are many other readers who also want the dirt on that ineffective money-waster – I will be covering it in my next article. But for now – If you’re finally ready to reverse the cause of your cellulite bumps and dimples – then…

Now is your time to start getting rid of it. So, here is your direct ‘Add to Cart’ link which still includes the 50% discount


When You Become a Naked Beauty Client, You Also Get These Sweet Bonus Videos:
1 – Flat-Sexy Stomach
2 – Tightly-Toned Arms
3 – Total-Body Toning: Level One
4 – Total-Body Toning: Level Two

*Each of these routines can be done at home or the office.*

Naked Beauty/SYMULAST Cellulite Removal Program FAQ’s

1 – You can order and access your program from any country – as it is presented to you via private online access. As a client – you’ll have access for life from anywhere in the world.

2 – Nothing gets shipped as your program is hosted on a secure and private area of this website. You’ll get a login link and a private password.

3 – This is a one-time payment. That’s it.

4 – You’ll have the option to get the DVD and book combo upgrade in a few weeks as we have many happy clients requesting those. All clients get the DVD and book version at a very deep discount, only if you want it. If you choose to also order the DVD/Book upgrade we can ship that anywhere in the world.

5 – I understand why most women do not want to publicly share their “Before and After” cellulite story and photos. No problem – however, if you wish to do so, I would be extremely excited and would welcome the opportunity to share your success story so we can help other women experience the same success by showing the “the proof”. Welcomed but not mandatory.

6 – If you’d rather watch the video presentation again – before you decide to become a client – then you can watch that here: Cellulite Reduction Video

How to Reverse the Cause of Cellulite
How to Reverse the Cause of Cellulite
7 – Or you can place your secure order and get started with your cellulite reduction today – at the bottom of this page with a sweet 50% Off :-)

Body Wraps for Cellulite Make It Worse

Body wraps and body wraps treatments are widely touted as a cellulite removal remedy.

For example, here is an ad I found on a local deal-a-day site. I’ve removed the names of the business and the owners. Notice the clever use of wording they employ to hook the unsuspecting readers.

Autumn might be the toward the end of the year, but it’s also a time for new beginnings. Cast off those extra inches with today’s deal from (BEAUTY SPA NAME) Pay $99 for two (DEVICE NAME) Far Infrared Body Wrap sessions (a $230 value).

In each of these one-hour treatments, you’ll burn 900 to 1,400 calories and reduce the appearance of cellulite while enveloped in heated and restorative technology. With more than 12 years of experience in the industry, owner (SPA OWNER’S NAME) strives to help her customers lose weight in a stress-free environment.

Start out this fall on the right foot with a safe and effective treatment that will make you look and feel fabulous.
Want more? Check out (BEAUTY SPA NAME) on Facebook.

There are many variations of body wraps ranging from tight plastic wraps to heated body zip-up bags (like elaborate sleeping bags).
Body Wraps Make Cellulite Worse
NONE Get Rid of Cellulite: Herbal, Cloth and Plastic Body Wraps
There’s no question, some of these can be beneficial. For example, the herbal/sea-weed body wrap can be great for skin care and skin feel.

But none of these have the ability to get rid of the appearance of cellulite. Furthermore, they can be extremely dangerous and they can make cellulite look even worse.

Here’s an expose which was featured on ABC-News.

Wrapped in Big Promises
Body Wraps Come With Many Strings Attached

NEW YORK, July 26th — Body wrap spas offer the allure of shedding inches off your waistline and are an increasingly popular beauty procedure. But critics say the only thing you’re guaranteed to lose is money.

Consumer correspondent Greg Hunter found the mummy-like procedure might not live up to its promises. Furthermore, the Food and Drug Administration Web site says body wraps can be dangerous.

One spa that offers the body wraps, Suddenly Slender Body Wraps, boasts that body wrappers can get a trimmer body by getting it wrapped with bandages soaked in minerals. Its ads guarantee that body-wrapped patrons will lose 6 to 20 inches from various body measurements in their first one-hour wrap.

“It’s not uncommon to take someone down a dress size or two in two weeks,” said Victoria Morton, who founded Suddenly Slender and says she has 1,300 franchises worldwide. But experts say the wraps can cause severe dehydration and circulatory problems.

“It’s all pseudoscientific gobbledygook,” said Dr. Victor Herbert, a doctor at Mt. Sinai Veterans Research Center who is also on the board of Quackwatch, an organization that debunks false medical claims. He says any weight loss that results from getting a body wrap is temporary, because it is water loss.

Doctor Claims Wraps Dangerously Dehydrate

“Be 6 to 20 inches slimmer today by dehydrating yourself? Sure,” Herbert said. “And you can also kill yourself … because you can throw somebody into what we call hypovolemic shock. That’s low blood volume shock by dehydrating you.”

But Morton insists the wraps do not just remove water.

“It’s the waste! The stuff that builds up in the body and makes us old and makes us tired and quite frankly, makes us sick,” she said.

One of Morton’s operations came under legal scrutiny several years ago. In 1998, the Texas Attorney General’s office said that one of Morton’s Texas franchises made false and misleading representations. Morton agreed not to make unsubstantiated medical claims, and paid a $35,000 fine to the state of Texas, without admitting any wrongdoing. (This happens frequently still. Just look at your local advertisements for these services. The problem is so widespread it is simply impossible for governing agencies to control the sheer volume of fraudulent advertising.)

Ann Schmid, a Good Morning America intern, and Cheri Knoy, a tourist from Plano, Texas, volunteered to test the wraps for Good Morning America’s investigation.

At her New York City location, Morton demonstrated how a body wrap is supposed to work on Schmid and Knoy.

Schmid and Knoy were wrapped up like mummies, and danced to a Richard Simmons video as part of the exercise portion of the wrap. While wrapped, they were told to tighten their muscles. (Yes – very, very ridiculous.)

“Special Formula” Does the Trick

“Pull your stomach in hard,” Morton instructed the body-wrapped patrons. She says the wraps are soaked in a secret mineral solution.

“It is the formula, the Suddenly Slender formula, that makes this work,” Morton said. ( ONE BIG LIE )

Both Schmid and Knoy were worried that wrapping their bodies so tightly they could be risking their health. But Morton assures her clients there is no need to worry, and a week after the wrap, both Schmid and Knoy were fine.

Morton claims she has done millions of wraps without any problems and denies there is a health risk.

“This not only does not dehydrate you, it will re-hydrate someone who is dehydrated. It’s good for you,” Morton said. “This is a safe … non-invasive [procedure] and I’ve wrapped babies.”

Morton’s clients must exercise for an hour while tightly wrapped. Bags on the hands and feet fill up with liquid and are emptied repeatedly. (SICK)

Morton took before and after measurements and claims both and Schmid and Knoy lost at least 6 inches each. She says the initial inches lost during the hour-long body wrap will stay off, provided the body-wrapped patrons participate in a diet and exercise program that she provides. ( Deception and More Lies )

A Matter of Inches

Morton says Schmid lost almost 3 inches from her waist. ***But after looking at the videotape, Hunter found a big discrepancy: the before measurement was taken just above Schmid’s belly button. The after measurement was taken several inches above.***(Sleazy Trick to Fool Customers)

The next day she went back to Suddenly Slender to have them remeasure, and there was no change in Schmid’s waistline.

Also, looking closely at some of the before measurements on videotape, Hunter found that Morton measures with her finger behind the tape, creating slack and a bigger measurement. On the after measurements, Morton’s finger is above the tape, and it is pulled tightly, so the measurement is smaller. (Dirty and Low-Down Tactics)

Morton refused to comment on the measurements, and the owner of the New York franchise, Liz Adams of New York Body Wraps, accused Hunter of playing games with the measurements.

Meanwhile, the body wrap volunteers questioned the wraps’ effectiveness.

“She said I lost 3 extra inches in my waist,” Schmid said. “But there’s definitely not 3 extra inches in my skirt. It’s not falling down. It’s still sitting nicely up on my waist.”

Knoy believed she may have lost a couple of inches, but wasn’t sure.

“I’m wearing a dress. It’s hard to tell,” she said. Body Wraps says they have plenty of satisfied customers who have lost inches off their waists.

But Dr. Herbert says any weight loss is temporary, and the only thing customers will surely lose is the $125 they paid for the wrap. Those who get body wraps take a risk. The only way to lose inches, he says, is through exercise and good nutrition.

Dr. Herbert sums it all up very nicely there. But the key to remember is this…
Since the body wraps dangerously pull excessive amounts of water from the body, the skin has even less of firm support base under it – and because of that, any woman with the bumps and dimples we call cellulite, will have even more bumps and dimples with saggy, droopy skin. Not a pretty site and not a good feeling.

There’s only one way to reverse the cause of cellulite bumps and dimples. When you tone, firm and lift the muscles which sit under the cellulite zones – the muscles then gently push outward against the skin layer – smoothing it out and giving it a tightly toned look.
Simple and real – it just takes a little bit of targeted work on your part. The guidance you need is right here. If you haven’t seen this video yet – then you’ll want to do it now so you can start getting rid of your cellulite ASAP (just press play)…
free cellulite removal video

Now is your time to start getting rid of it. So, here is your direct ‘Add to Cart’ link which still includes the 50% discount

When You Become a Naked Beauty Client, You Also Get These Sweet Bonus Videos:
1 – Flat-Sexy Stomach
2 – Tightly-Toned Arms
3 – Total-Body Toning: Level One
4 – Total-Body Toning: Level Two

*Each of these routines can be done at home or the office.*

Naked Beauty/SYMULAST Cellulite Removal Program FAQ’s

1 – You can order and access your program from any country – as it is presented to you via private online access. As a client – you’ll have access for life from anywhere in the world.

2 – Nothing gets shipped as your program is hosted on a secure and private area of this website. You’ll get a login link and a private password.

3 – This is a one-time payment. That’s it.

4 – You’ll have the option to get the DVD and book combo upgrade in a few weeks as we have many happy clients requesting those. All clients get the DVD and book version at a very deep discount, only if you want it. If you choose to also order the DVD/Book upgrade we can ship that anywhere in the world.

5 – I understand why most women do not want to publicly share their “Before and After” cellulite story and photos. No problem – however, if you wish to do so, I would be extremely excited and would welcome the opportunity to share your success story so we can help other women experience the same success by showing the “the proof”. Welcomed but not mandatory.

6 – If you’d rather watch the video presentation again – before you decide to become a client – then you can watch that here: Cellulite Reduction Video

How to Reverse the Cause of Cellulite
How to Reverse the Cause of Cellulite
7 – Or you can place your secure order and get started with your cellulite reduction today – at the bottom of this page with a sweet 50% Off :-)

To Know More About Cellulite Cure Please Vist~:

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